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In 2015, Grace Bible Church began looking for a new Assistant Pastor to oversee the Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Pastor Fisher, who has shepherded so faithfully and sacrificially at GBC for 37 years, had a vision to not only bring on the next Assistant Pastor but also the next Lead Pastor.

In the Spring of 2016, the church voted unanimously to bring on Pastor Kyle Grant as the Assistant Pastor, and in July he and his faithful wife, Julia, began their ministry here. After the Grant’s proven rapport with the people and the clear leading of God’s Spirit in the leadership and members of Grace Bible, Pastor Fisher and the church progressed with the plan to prepare and call their next Lead Pastor. For three years, Pastor Fisher has faithfully mentored and trained Pastor Kyle. Their relationship is a resounding picture of Paul’s training Timothy as “a son in the faith.”

In 2018, Pastor Kyle began to preach and lead the morning worship more actively as well as shepherding the youth and young adults. In the Fall of 2018 the formal plan and timeline was communicated to the Grace Bible congregation. In 2019, Pastor Fisher and Pastor Kyle “co-pastored.” They shared the Sunday-morning pulpit evenly, shared Communion, Baptisms, pastoral visits, and leadership decisions.

On September 15th of 2019, the church held a vote to welcome Pastor Kyle as the Lead Pastor, to begin March 1st, 2020. The church voted overwhelmingly in favor of the final step of the transition.


As of June 1, 2021, God transplanted the Fisher’s to Clearwater, Florida for their new calling to evangelism and encouraging churches. God greatly. used the Fisher’s to build a thriving church here at Grace Bible. Now in his retirement years, Pastor Fisher is available for pulpit supply, being an interim Pastor, Biblical family counseling, or to simply come alongside a struggling church to help it thrive once again. To connect with him you can call or text him at 574-215-7817 or email him at

In June of 2020, Grace welcomed Brandon Weldon as our new Assistant Pastor of Family Ministries. Brandon and his wife, Alyssa, are gifted musicians and teachers. They will be leading and coordinating the Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Brandon and Alyssa’s burden is to direct the church’s worship to the praise and glory of God.

You should expect Pastor Kyle’s leadership and personal style to be different than Pastor Fisher’s. The visions and goals of Grace Bible Church will remain constant, but how those goals and visions are carried out may look different because the two men are different. You should expect the heart and soul of GBC, the Word, worship, and our families, to remain the utmost priorities.

A Message from Pastor Kyle

On September 15th, God confirmed His guidance for the future of Grace Bible Church and the calling of my family by a congregational vote, for me to become the Lead Pastor beginning March 1st, 2020. My heart and mind are full of feelings and thoughts, and I wanted to share some.

  1. The outcome of the vote fills us with overwhelming gratitude. It does not tempt me to pride, but fear, yet I take confidence in the surety that Christ is the resolution for both.
  2. The continuity and security of a church rests in one man, Christ.
  3. 1 Timothy 1:5- The aim of our [my] charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
  4. Our time at GBC has not been, nor will it be, faultless. But, as pastors and people, it is faithlessness we must guard against, not faultlessness. For God is faithful to use faulty people to accomplish perfect purposes.
  5. God has great things in the future of GBC, not because we are great, but because He is. Let’s pursue that greatness together and watch the power of the gospel explode in its greatness.

Praise be to God!